lourens | security researcher

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About Me

I'm an independent security researcher focused on EVM security. Most of my time is spent looking for bugs in smart contracts, but I also love researching past exploits.

Previous Work


  • Dopex Contest: 5th place. Perpetual protocol underpinning Atlantic Vaults.

  • Panoptic Contest: 7th place. Options built on top of Uni V3 liquidity pools

  • GoodEntry Contest: 8th place. Concentrated liquidity as options products.

  • Badger eBTC: Liquity fork supporting eBTC which is backed by stETH.

  • Wildcat: Novel lending product facilitating lending through on-chain smart contracts and off-chain agreements.

  • MaiaDao: Cross-chain DeFi yield gateway.

  • Basin: Composable EVM-based AMM Dex.

  • Venus Protocol: Compound fork on BNB chain.

  • Lybra Finance: Interest-bearing stablecoin.

Bug Bounties

  • Liquity: Identified a Low severity issue leading to temporary DoS of collateral redemptions.

  • Undisclosed Bounty: Identified a High severity issue (confirmed by Immunefi in mediation) allowing users to benefit from staking operations.


A selection of reports submitted in contests and as part of practice reviews.


"Lourens is showing rapid growth, finding more and more Highs and Mediums, while keeping Report Quality very high, he'll do very well in 2024!"- Alex The Entreprenerd, C4 Judge and Security Researcher

"Lourens did an incredible job of auditing my protocol in a calm professional manner. It had been audited once before but he found several high and medium risk issues that were not caught the first time. He also gave a lot of guidance with ideas to make the protocol more robust and he shared freely from his wealth of knowledge to help implement solutions to the issues he had found. I will be seeking Lourens’ help the next time I have any auditing needs."- Elliot, TaskMarketplace

"Excellent, quality written report."- bytes032, C4 Lookout

"This is a very well-written explanation, thanks for this submission."- EigenLayer

Contact Details

Twitter: @lourenslinde
Telegram: @lourenslinde